The Art of Coffee

Coffee gets most people through their day, but the hot beverage is more than just water, beans, and caffeine. For many coffee enthusiast, it’s a way of life. It can also be a major expense that is slipping out of our bank accounts right under our noses.

You might be eager to learn that you can save more on coffee while also getting a better coffee experience. The secret is to simply brew your own coffee at home.

Coffee: more than a drink

We Americans love our coffee. America ranks among the most coffee-mad countries on the planet in terms of consumption. And we have our coffee in all sorts of ways and in all sorts of places. Some prefer coffee-flavored drinks with whipped cream, steamed milk, and other ingredients, while others drink straight black coffee with no other additives.

Coffee has been consumed by humans for a rather long time. In fact, it’s so old that nobody is quite sure when coffee-drinking got started. We do know that the new world helped coffee really take off. Coffee is grown all over the world, including in South America and Central America, It is consumed rabidly all over the world, too, including in coffee-loving hotspots like the United States and Canada.

Coffee comes in all forms and is experienced in many ways, but the coffee shop is one of America’s most ubiquitous coffee hubs. For many of us, grabbing a coffee is about showing up in the morning and getting in line at a big coffee chain or local shop. Then we fork over a few bucks for a drink which can really add up. Coffee can end up costing coffee shop-goers more than a thousand dollars a year.

Beyond the coffee shop: learning to brew your own coffee

Rather than outsourcing, you should learn how to make your own coffee at home. Knowing how to make coffee will open up a world of new possibilities to even the most experienced coffee-shop goer.

Brewing your coffee at home has a ton of benefits. For one thing, it’s more convenient: you’ll save the time that you would have spend pulling off the road or rushing off the train to the local coffee shop instead of heading straight to work. You can save even more time by setting up your coffee machine the night before and simply pressing a button when you wake up. Or you could brew your coffee overnight with one of a variety of slow-and-cold brewing methods.

By doing so, you’ll be saving a bundle. While the typical coffee shop coffee can cost anywhere between two and five dollars, a coffee brewed at home will generally cost less than 20 cents, and sometimes even less.

Going further with your coffee passion

When you brew your own coffee, you can experiment with new brewing methods and can make your coffee as strong or as weak as you’d like. You can try different brands and different roasts, too. In short, you can get more into coffee than ever before.

You could subscribe to a coffee delivery service that will give you fresh coffee regularly. Such services will deliver a curated selection of coffee products to your door, making it easy to try new types of coffee and learn more about brewing it.

You could start grinding your own beans for the ultimate fresh coffee experience. And you could fine-tune the coffee-making process as a whole. For instance, did you know that you can pour some hot water over your coffee grounds before you start the coffee maker in order to get a better-tasting coffee? This creates the “bloom” and pre-infuses the grounds in a way that makes your coffee stronger and more delicious.

When it comes right down to it, the coffee shop experience can’t compare to the at-home brewing one. By brewing at home, you’ll save time and money while getting a more complete and enjoyable coffee experience that no cafe can compare to.