Tech-Advanced Methods of Controlling Odor

The use of effective odor control systems should never be ignored by a business. Those in the construction and manufacturing industries, among others, will benefit from having effective strategies in place to curb foul odor. The latter will help to establish a safer and more productive workplace. With this, in the rest of this post, we will briefly look at some of the best strategies for managing odor in a work environment.

Misting System

One of the perfect examples of this is the BossTek’s OdorBoss. It is a specialized equipment that can be rented for air treatment. It is unlike the traditional misting systems that you can find. It uses small droplets of water to allow the chemicals to travel far and be effective in masking the odor. While it uses water, the good thing is that it is transformed into vapor instead of saturating the ground or the area that is being treated. It uses less water and chemical, yet the coverage is hard to match. This will especially be great in construction sites or outdoors where the odor is a big problem.

Granular Activated Carbon

If you are looking for an organic odor control method, this is one option that should be on your list. This high-density filtration media works by absorbing the odor that is present. To be specific, it eliminates odor originating from organic compounds, including building emissions, soil emissions, and wastewater, among others. Aside from odor, it is also an effective agent in removing the chlorinated taste in water.

Catalytic/Regenerative Carbon

This is one type of dry scrubbing method that will also be effective in odor control. One of the biggest differences from the method mentioned above is that it can adsorb gases and catalyze a reaction. However, there are many who stay away from this odor solution because of the flammability and the high initial cost requirement.


Simply put, this refers to the use of a biological degradation process for removing odorous gases from a contaminated source. According to an article published on the website of Cornell University, this technology relies on the use of moist organic materials that adsorb and biologically degrade compounds that are causing the odor. Some of the main materials that are used in its construction include peat, soil, and compost. Aside from being effective, this is also a preferred method for odor control because of the low cost.

Wet Scrubbers

Under this method, both absorption and chemical reaction are used for the removal of the odor from a contaminated source. It uses a solvent that transforms the gas into a liquid form. It is highly-efficient and flexible, making it one of the top choices when it comes to industrial odor control. Here, a liquid absorbant will get in contact with the contaminated stream, which will then result in the removal of the foul odor.

Get rid of odor in the workplace using the strategies that have been mentioned above. Whether you are in the construction or manufacturing business, these strategies are essential for the welfare of your employees.