Role Of Brass Terminals In Replacement Of A Light Switch

Professionals use various methods to change the light switch at places. Brass terminals are the wire terminals that are also known as terminal connectors or electrical terminals used to connect or terminate cables and wires in vehicles and electrical appliances that rely on wire to transfer electricity. In this step-by-step guide, leading professionals will tell you how to replace your light dimmer switch.

1. Mark Each Wire in the Switch Box

A dimmer switch lets you to control the light fixture brightness. You can use a marker or colorful tape to label every wire differently, so that you can tell them apart.

  • Mark the wire connected to the brass screw terminal.
  • Mark the wire linked to the silver screw terminal or to the hole on the similar side.
  • Mark the green or copper wire connected to the green screw terminal

2. Disconnect the Wires from your Old Switch

The electrical switch may have either screw terminal connectors located along the side of the switch, or push-in connector holes, that will be located at the back of the switch.

If the electrical wires are connected to screw terminals, you can turn each screw in counter-clockwise direction using a screwdriver to loosen and slide the wire out using a pair of needle-nose pliers.

If the electrical wires are connected to push-in connectors, the holes into which wires are pushed have a small slot beneath the hole. You can insert a small screwdriver into the slot and release the wire by pushing it forward.

3. Connect the Wires to the New Switch

You can find maximum dimmer switches with wires already attached. They will have two black lead wires and one green grounding wire.

  • You need to strip ½ inch of insulation from every wire to expose it.
  • You need to pair one of the black lead wires to hit wire in the switch box.
  • You need to pair green grounding wire in the switch box.
  • You need to wrap the ends of the paired wires altogether and use a wire nut to secure it.

4. Double Assurance for Proper Orientation of Switch

You need to see the word “top” mention on the switch that indicates the switch side, which is vertically oriented toward the top.

5. Push the wires back carefully and push the switch up against the box edge and tighten the mounting screws into place.

6. Do not over fasten the switch plate as it may crack during over-pressure.

Note- Source the reliable brass terminals from premium vendor of your town always.