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Regular Warehouse Maintenance You Should Do to Help Keep Your Warehouse Accident Free

2 Mins read

A clean and well-maintained warehouse is essential for optimal production and distribution and for preventing workplace accidents. Although you may have a routine warehouse maintenance schedule in place, here are areas of specific concerns you should pay attention to.

Regular Warehouse Maintenance You Should Do to Help Keep Your Warehouse Accident Free


All lighting fixtures should be checked to be sure they are working correctly. Intermittent dimming or off-and-on flashing as the bulb starts to burn out can be a lighting hazard. Also, check that each fixture has a bulb with the correct wattage for the outlet and electric line as well as the workspace for adequate illumination. Replace burned-out bulbs immediately. Repair or replace any light switches or outlets that spark. Keep the windows clean to let in natural light when possible.


The floors are a common cause of warehouse accidents for many reasons, such as dirt, clutter, and damage. Keep the floors free of debris, and store the tools and equipment in an organized area. Clean up spills of any kind immediately to avoid slip-and-fall accidents. 

Chipped or crumbling tile or concrete flooring needs to be repaired or replaced right away. Uneven or shifting floor sections require attention to provide a flat, even area for workspace. Because this is such an important part of warehouse operations, establish a warehouse floor repairs and maintenance schedule to be followed periodically.

Sinks and Drains

Another frequent cause of warehouse accidents is water spillage or leaks. Faucets need to be turned off completely and repaired if they are dripping. Damp or moist areas should be cleaned and dried out to prevent mold growth or structural damage to the facility. The sinks and drains should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacteria buildup or clogs forming from debris. Clean drains and sinks also help to reduce odors and unhealthy residue that can impact the air quality or hand washing. Inspect the plumbing for any signs of cracks or breakage to prevent flooding.

Shelves and Stacks

Since warehouses usually store products waiting to be used or shipped, check the shelves and stacking areas for signs of pest infestations and damage. Loose shelving can break suddenly and cause injuries to warehouse workers. Protruding nails or sharp edges should be repaired to ensure the storage areas are sturdy and effective. Bins may need to be cleaned occasionally to remove insects or dust, which may be an allergy hazard for some employees.

A clean and well organized warehouse helps to maintain a productive environment. It also keeps everyone safer. Put your warehouse on a maintenance inspection schedule for the benefit of both the company and its employees.

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