Recognize The Signs That Specify You Need To Call A Professional AC Technician

Air conditioner has become standard equipment in almost all the homes, and so is the AC repair work. If you happen to experience any air conditioning related problems, it is important that you have some knowledge about the simple solutions of your AC problem without having to spend money on hiring a professional.

However, if your AC condition calls for a bigger problem, it is advisable to hire or consult a professional in order to take up the necessary measures. Check out the air conditioning repair San Diego for any of the air conditioning problems at pocket friendly price.

Most of the people end up paying money for unnecessary service call. Here are some things you should be checking first, before hiring a professional:

  • Thermostat– Ensure that your AC is set to proper temperature i.e. see if the thermostat switch to cool mode rather than the heat mode.
  • Regular cleaning of the air conditioner– Debris and dirt may accumulate inside and around your AC, which will lower the efficiency of the unit and thereby reduce the cooling power.
  • Drainage tube should be checked– The blockage of your air conditioner drainage tube may be caused by pooling the water below and around the AC. Check for any obstructions like algae, dirt, ice, and if found, you should either replace or clean out the tube.

Some signs and symptoms indicating the need of a professional

  • Cooling problem- If your AC is not able to provide enough cooling in your home despite of the care you have taken, it is the right time for you to call a professional air conditioner repair company. This issue is unlikely to resolve by itself. It may be caused due to bad thermostats or may be faulty compressor (the fan motors of your AC are broken) or it has low refrigerant.
  • Water leakage- If you happen to come across water leakage from your AC system, it means that you must contact a professional immediately. Leakage of water indicates that your AC system is not working properly and could also potentially damage your house. The AC naturally condensate the air and this condensation drips through a pan and then drain away. The overflow of the condensation is caused if the drain line or the pan is clogged.
  • Noise- Sometimes you may come across strange and unusual noise coming out from your air conditioner. This noise indicates that there is a need for AC repair. The sounds may differ from squealing, gurgling, or hissing noise. Squealing is usually caused due to bad fan motor belt, which needs a replacement. Gurgling indicates low refrigerant and hissing is normally caused due to leakage of the refrigerant.


If you come across such signs and signals, you should hire a good AC repair professional. Nowadays it is rather a difficult task to find a good conditioning technician for your air conditioner repair work. Research online, compare, and select the one that will be best suited for your requirement.