Recipe History: An Ode to Toad in the Hole

Served with simple Side Dishes

Toad in the Hole is a complete meal in itself, but it is often served with onion gravy, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables. It can be eaten with garnishes or plain. Some people add a bit of salt and pepper to the batter, and others dress up the meat with spices, particularly if they are cheap cuts of meat. You can use a different type of sausage to give it a different flavour if you want something new.

Toad in the Hole is a traditional English recipe that isn’t likely to fade into obscurity soon. Most families are familiar with it, and foreign visitors are charmed by its quirky name and unpretentious nature. This dish is a staple at many dinner tables.

Peter Richardson enjoys cooking all kinds of food, especially traditional comfort foods. A long-time blogger, he also enjoys posting on various cooking websites.