Peppermint Water Benefits

Peppermint Water Benefits

Water peppermint can bring great benefits to health, as this herb is considered medicinal by their properties, some of the benefits you can get by consuming are to regulate your digestion and prevent liver problems, known here all their benefits.


Peppermint has antispasmodic properties, antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory serves, besides being nervous system stimulant.


Peppermint is a natural appetite stimulant because it regulates the functioning of the digestive system, which is perfect if you are the type who does not eat their hours, also serves to soothe stomach pains, as it has anesthetic properties, help with heartburn, and gastritis, it fights infections and intestinal parasites.

Respiratory System

Yes, peppermint attacks respiratory infections, it contains menthol, which acts as an expectorant, even for problems like asthma, doctors recommend infusions of this plant, all this is added which is a natural antiviral, preventing annoying flu .


In oil, this plant also has a relaxing effect on the brain, helping to relieve stress and improve concentration. Plus it works to treat neurological problems related to stress and anxiety, Peppermint also is a mild sedative, so it is very good for treating insomnia.


If you are the type who flees pills excellent option is peppermint, it reduces the pain to a great extent, it is commonly used for toothaches and headaches, this is because it improves blood flow to the affected area.

Cosmetic Uses

Experts say that taking a daily infusion of peppermint can help eliminate female hair, decreasing testosterone levels. Another benefit we can get peppermint is the elimination of bad breath, for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties is a great partner, another advantage provided us is that refreshes the skin and tones if we add substantially to our daily bath.

Peppermint Water

Prepare this delicious drink is very simple, here are some tips on how to do this, you can also prepare it as tea and even combine it with fruit you prefer.


You need: sugar, lemons, water, mint and ice.

Preparation: Add sugar to taste a pitcher of water, we recommend sugar because it is more natural and need not add much, then incorporates the ice. Part lemon slices and add them along with a handful of mint leaves, wait ten minutes to concentrate and ready.


Need: Water, peppermint.

Preparation: Boil about a liter of water as it is boiling add ten sheets of this plant and wait two minutes, remove from heat and strain. We recommend drinking at least three times a day for your body to make the most of their properties.


Need: lemons, water, sugar, mint, ice.

Preparation: Extract the lemon juice, you need a quarter cup to a gallon of lemonade; Pour into blender a handful of mint leaves, lemon juice, sugar to taste, and two cups of ice water, blend and strain.


You can add strawberries, kiwi or other tropical fruits in any of the three drinks, we suggest that if the infusion procures to be nuts, are super rich and healthy.

How to Consume

To maximize the benefits of peppermint is advisable to drink any of its preparations three times a day, and you’ll notice improvement in your health in a few days.