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Pelleve Skin Tightening – All The Necessary Details About The Treatment

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What is Pelleve?

It is an FDA approved skin treatment, which is helpful to lessen the appearance of wrinkles. It is a safe and highly effective skin tightening treatment, which is done with the help of radio frequency. It is basically a simple treatment procedure that does not require the patient to be anaesthetized during the procedure. The Pelleve treatment is the best solution for facial rejuvenation without any major surgery. Basically the entire treatment will help you to notice significant improvement in skin quality and firmness to your skin.

Pelleve Skin Tightening - All The Necessary Details About The Treatment

How is it Different from Other Skin Tightening Procedures?

Firstly unlike the other skin tightening treatments Pelleve does not involve the usage of anesthesia on patients. As the skin is not numbed the patient can describe the degree of feeling to the practitioner and help them to provide the best results in the area being treated. The overall result is visible and noticeable difference in the appearance and skin quality. The treatment procedure has very minimal risk of any side effects and very less recovery time.

Advantages Over Other Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Virtually the Pelleve radio frequency in London is painless and requires no recovery time. If you have a busy schedule and cannot afford to lose many days in recovery and during procedure, Pelleve treatment is the best option for you. Once you book your appointment with the practitioner, he will test your skin type and inform you if your skin is suitable for the Pelleve treatment or not.

What to Expect During the Procedure?

Every time the Pelleve hand piece touches your skin, you will feel a deep warming sensation. You will not be numbed during the procedure. You can explain the depth of the feeling to your practitioner during the procedure. This helps the practitioner deliver you the best results in the area that is being treated. A protective gel is applied on the skin being treated to avoid any possible irritation or side effects.

How does it Work?

The constant gradual energy from the Pelleve hand piece causes the heat to build up in the area where the fat and skin layers come together. The increased heat adapts to the collagen bundles which is situated deep inside the skin. This causes contraction of the collagen bundles and promotes the growth of new collagens with time. The result of this treatment is a tighter and firmer skin.

Time Taken for the Procedure

If you are opting for a full facial treatment, the procedure will be completed in about 45 minutes to one hour duration. As no anesthesia is used during the procedure and there is minimal swelling after the treatment, there is no downtime prescribed to the patient.

After the Procedure 

It is basically an outpatient treatment. Experienced people have reported to have minimal swelling and redness on the area. According to the studies it is proved that the swelling and the redness goes away within few hours after the treatment.

Pelleve is a very safe and easy skin tightening treatment for all.

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