Mobile SEO Best Practices

Mobile SEO Best Practices

The average handset is now more capable of delivering content to the user. With more robust data networks, users are spending more time on mobile devices now than never before. As a business, you are set to get more attention with a mobile business website. Additionally, your mobile website will help build your brand equity.

Research shows that 9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to an action, and over half of these lead to purchases within an hour. Studies have also shown that more than half of mobile users want to close the deal within the hour. You can give your users this and more by adopting a successful mobile SEO strategy. Here are some of the top SEO best practices for 2014.

Focus on User Experience

For your mobile SEO experience to succeed, user experience is paramount. This experience influences your site’s ability to engage visitors, which has a direct effect on your site ranking. This in turn affects the ability of your site to generate conversions, and revenue. A mobile SEO strategy that focuses on making a user’s experience a priority will be more successful than one that focuses on ranking and traffic generation.

Have a Mobile Friendly Site

Whether you decide to design a responsive or a dedicated mobile site, it will eventually contribute to a successful mobile SEO strategy. Debate rages as to which is better: a responsive or a dedicated site. Well, each approach has its own pros and cons; you need to choose the best based on the needs of your customers.

Increase Your Mobile Page Load Speeds

The speed at which your page loads goes hand in hand with mobile user experience and conversion. Google recommends that mobile websites load in one second or less. This keeps your visitors from leaving the site because of extended waiting periods. According to a Google analytics study, mobile websites take an average of 7 seconds to load, which is too long.

Optimize Your Mobile Website for Local Searches

You need to optimize your site to suit your local audience. If you service areas that are localized, it is vital that you have a landing page for each location that your business owns. For instance, you can have a landing page for each store or state.

Optimize the page for your keywords. However, tailor the content to suit the city or state you are targeting. You can still have local searches even if you operate nationwide.

Use Shorter Keywords

When searching for content on mobile websites, users are more likely to search using shorter keywords. This is because mobile phones are harder to use as compared to PCs.

Final Thoughts

In summary, SEO practices for mobile give you a competitive edge to take your business to another level. This is because the population is rapidly incorporating mobile web into their daily lives. Mobile SEO best practices help you take advantage of the benefits that mobile SEO brings to your business.

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