Lower Your Blood Pressure Fast With These Tips

Lower Your Blood Pressure Fast With These Tips

Lifestyle plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure. According to the study published in Hypertension Research, 6 deep breaths in a period of 30 seconds reduced systolic blood pressure  by 3.4 to 3.9 units compared to just sitting quietly.

Hypertension is usually caused by the combination of factors such as genetics, lifestyle and poor diet, smoking, lack of sleep, physical inactivity and a high level  stress all these are linked to increasing your risk High blood pressure. One in five Canadians has hypertension, or high blood pressure. Hypertension is linked to the major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Here are the best tips to lower your Hypertension.

Sufficient Sleep

Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy. If you have trouble sleeping, play sports early in the day, avoid excess caffeine and alcohol. The lack of sleep can increase your blood pressure.

Whole Grains

We know that oatmeal, bran and brown rice provides more benefits to our bodies in many ways. According to Dr. Lu Wang from Harvard University, Diet with fibers content in whole grains also protect you against hypertension. According to a study of more than 28,000 women, 2 to 3 servings of whole grains per day over a 10-year period reduced the risk of hypertension among women participants by 11%.

Eat Dark Chocolate

The researchers believe that the antioxidant compounds contained in cocoa also help to control your blood flow. Previous studies have shown that high doses of cocoa can reduce short-term blood pressure and it can boost your mood. According to the minutes of a study by the American Medical Association, only 6.3 grams of dark chocolate per day (30 calories) for a period of 4 ½ months  and saw their high blood pressure reduced to 21%. Contains flavonoids, molecules that promote blood vessel dilation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

supplements that contain omega-3s include fish oil and flaxseed oil, help reduce the risk of blood pressure. In addition, a new study by Harokopio University in Athens found that 13% of people who had eaten more than 300 g of fish rich in omega 3 each week for 10 years, they have lesser risk of hypertension.

Drink More Water and Less Soft Drinks

Make it a habit to down a quick glass around mealtimes. To rehydrate your body, opt for water, herbal tea or green tea.

Avoid soft drinks: A soft drink a day, without sugar, increasing by 18% the risk of hypertension, according to a study published in 2007 in Circulation. Its author, Ravi Dhingra, a lecturer at the Harvard Medical School, said the high caramel content of certain soft drinks may promote inflammation of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure.