Learning Healing Touch Therapy

Learning Healing Touch Therapy

Healing touch therapy is an energy therapy that uses gentle hand techniques. It is thought to help heal the patient’s energy field to speed up the healing process. Healing touch therapy training can be beneficial to your body and your mind. Here is some information about how to get started with this training.

Healing Circles

Once you have training on making a healing circle, you can host them as often as you would like. You can have it at a time and place that allows many people to come, but make sure to keep the schedule regular so that people have advance notice of the day and time you choose. You want to try to get 12 people to join, so try to host it in a large area. There are also no time limits on how long you can hold the circle; have it go until people feel inspired. The average circle lasts two hours, so be sure to divide up the time accordingly so that everyone can both give and receive the healing.

Classes and Certifications

Although healing circles are a great way to learn healing touch therapy, they are not official classes. To learn more about the technique, it is advised to take a class instead of just attending sessions lead by other people. There are many places available online to learn more information and find local classes to attend. The classes are generally multi-level so that you can learn gradually starting with beginning techniques and learn more advanced as you have time. Even some of the most basic classes can teach important techniques to healing with touch, so it is beneficial to attend even if you do not plan to make it all the way to the advanced courses. If you do intend to apply for certification, you must complete level 5 of the program. Certified healing touch practitioners are internationally recognized.

During class, you will practice the techniques and share you experiences with your classmates. The program is designed to encourage you to enhance your skills and knowledge through readings and practice sessions that will be assigned as homework. Personal growth and knowledge of holistic health will help you with your classes, as well, as it will help to create a better understanding of the practice you are learning.

Classes for healing touch therapy are available for all kinds of people who share a common desire to learn holistic healing practices. To get started, find the nearest center for you to learn at.

Categorized as Health