All of us know that a lot of time goes into the creation and curation of the ideal website for your company. Be it gathering a pool of your content that will appeal to your target audience, finding the right web designer, spending hours on the layout of the design, staying in contact with your designer and providing him with the necessary information and a number of more things altogether make it a tedious and tiresome process. There is no use of having a website if it doesn’t attract your target audience by catering to the search engines.
To attract search engines, you will have to use certain keywords; but at the same time, you mustn’t stuff your blog with keywords else it’ll be certified as spam. You might need to consult an SEO firm in India if you need help with the target keywords. One unlikely way in which you can be hampering your SEO growth is web designing. There are different mistakes that they can be making that are hampering your growth in terms without you even realizing it. One of these mistakes can be putting a lot of media on your website without optimizing it first. It is an obvious fact that media is essential to break the monotony of your site as too much content can get boring for the readers. Also, having heavy media files on your site can slow it down. Most of the users quite a website if it doesn’t load in three seconds! Optimizing the media will lessen the load time of your website which will be beneficial for you. Another thing that you can do is you can create thumbnails for the heavy files. By doing so, the site time won’t be long and the users can click on them if it interests them.
Many web designers also make the mistake of adding a number of plug ins. Not only do these plugins slow down your website, but they also make it easy for your website to be hacked. These plug ins can cave a path of hackers who can cause great damage to your website. If you get hacked, the hacker can use your site to spread a different kind of viruses which can highly hamper the reputation of your company. Social media widgets are being considered as a necessity by many website designers in today’s date. But as you know, too many cooks spoil a broth; similarly, too many social media widgets can do more harm than good. Also, they will slow down your website significantly.
One of the easiest way you can get your target audience to be the driving force behind traffic directed towards your website is hiring an SEO firm in india for better keyword rankings. They will help you keep a track of the progress that you have made so far.
In today’s date, where the number of mobile searches wins over the number of desktop searches failing to ensure that your website is optimized according to mobiles is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. The website layout that you see on your desktop is not going to be the same as the layout you see on your phone. Make mobile design a priority as it can be the reason behind your company’s success. Websites are the perfect tool to spread information about your company to millions of people. It is a one-time investment whose benefits you can keep on reading for years and years. Ensure that you don’t let these mistakes hamper your growth and interfere with the success of your website and company!