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Home Improvement

How To Make The Most Of Space In Your Home!

5 Mins read

Feeling short on space can be very stressful and all consuming at times, especially when life is busy and smaller spaces feel more difficult to keep tidy. Plus, not many people are in a position to just move to a bigger house when they feel they don’t have quite enough space, or others simply don’t want the stress of a move. So, we’re here with plenty of tips to help you make the most of the space in your home, from things that are completely free to bigger investments if that’s what you’re wanting to make. We all deserve to feel comfortable, happy and in control of our home, and we’re here to help you achieve that. 

Clear Out Your Loft, Garage and Storage Cupboards

The absolute best place to start when it comes to making the most of the space in your home is to clear out your loft, garage and storage cupboards. For most people, these are spaces that naturally get cluttered easily and act as a bit of a dumping ground. We’re all guilty of it so there’s no judgement here! However, these are actually fantastic spaces to utilise, because if you clear them of things you don’t need, then you automatically free up space so that you can remove items you don’t use all the time from the main spaces in your home and put them into these places. 


For example, you may currently store suitcases in the spare bedroom which takes up a lot of space and just doesn’t look very good really! So, if you make the room in the loft, they can go up there and automatically you get back that space. Another example would be if you currently store sports equipment in a storage cupboard in your home. Move all of this into your garage and straight away you regain a whole cupboard! You can then add shelves in here and create a space to put your washing machine, which then clears up room in the kitchen that is much needed. 


You can see that this is all a knock on effect, but the main point here is to be brutal and get rid of things you don’t need from your loft, garage and storage cupboards, then you can store things away that you didn’t think you had the space to, and clear up your actual living spaces. If you are using your loft or garage for storage, make sure you do any water damage restoration first to protect whatever it is you’re storing. Commit a good day to clearing out each space over the course of a few weeks so it doesn’t feel overwhelming and make sure you do one room really well before moving onto the next to get the job done properly. 

Utilise Vertical Space

Another great way to make the most of space is to utilise vertical space. Floor space is valuable and if you don’t have much of it, it can feel difficult to envision how you can improve your storage. So, think about how you can use the vertical space in a room. Things like wall mounted shelves, over door hanging storage, hanging hooks and taller cabinets can all make a real difference to how much space you have to work with, without taking up any valuable floor space that you can’t afford to lose. 

Choose Multifunctional Furniture

Something else that really helps you to make the most of space in your home is multifunctional furniture. Choosing furniture that provides more than one purpose can be a great way to save space and improve your storage. For example, if you have a spare bedroom but ideally need space for a desk, swap out the permanent bed in there for a pull out sofa bed, so the majority of time you have the space there for what you need, and then you still have space for your guests. Another example would be to choose a bed or sofa with storage underneath it, to store things like spare bedding or thick coats you don’t need in the summer. If you don’t often use a dining room table, you could get one that has benches that you can store underneath and pull out when you need them rather than having a full set of tables and chairs out all the time. There are so many options here, so just think about where you’d like to save space in your home and think about whether there are options for you to make the most of the space. Choosing the right furniture can transform your home. 


Consider Built In Storage Solutions

If you’re wanting to maximise storage without using much space, and are in a position to spend a bit on this, then built in storage is a fantastic option. It’s designed to make the most of the vertical space in a room, as well as fit perfectly into different nooks and crannies in your home, so that you make the most of every inch of space that you have. Built-in storage, like wardrobes or under stairs solutions, look seamless as well, whereas when you have lots of storage like chest of drawers and freestanding wardrobes, they can look quite bulky and ruin the aesthetic of a space. When you have a consultation with a company that does built in storage, they will be able to offer solutions to suit your lifestyle, as well as make suggestions that you might never have thought of or thought was possible. So, if you’re needing more storage and want it to suit the aesthetic of your home, then book a consultation and see what they’d be able to do for you, as it can be really transformative. 

Use Every Room To Its Fullest Potential 

Last but not least, if you think that currently a room isn’t being used to its fullest potential, it’s time to change that. If a room doesn’t get used because it doesn’t have a real purpose, or it’s not comfortable at the minute, it’s time to make a change. For example, many people don’t make the most of their conservatory because it gets too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. However, this can be a fantastic living and dining space that really opens up the house, so if you install some conservatory insulation, reseal the windows and doors and then add some soft furnishings, you instantly have another sitting room, or add a dining table to free up space elsewhere in your home. Another option would be if you have a spare room that is currently just a dumping ground, use the space you’ve saved in the loft and garage to move some stuff in there, potentially get some new storage solutions and make the space something you’re proud of. This could be a walk-in wardrobe, a more formal spare bedroom, a study, a man cave or a reading room, but when you utilise a space instead of leaving it cluttered, automatically you’ll get some mental clarity and will feel better about your home. Plus, we all love a little project, right?

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