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Home Improvement

How and When To Hire A Pest Control Experts To Control Bed Bugs

2 Mins read

Bed bugs are a menace, they not only hurt and harm you, they ae really made to last. A few DIY tricks will not end them, but if you are lucky, and you detected the bed bugs before they spread out from one point, a small DIY exercise may help. Here are a few DIY exercises to control bed bugs.

How and When To Hire A Pest Control Experts To Control Bed Bugs


There are special pesticides for bed bugs, if you detect their dwelling place you can always buy a pesticide spray can, and spray it on the detected area. However, you might not get relief in case you miss the bugs which have other hidings.


When you detect bugs, you might get rid of them by freezing your mattress. Bugs die in sub-zero temperatures. You can put your mattress in an industrial freezer to get rid of them. Moreover, if you live in a cold country, you can kill bugs by putting the mattress out for a few days.


If you are sure that the bugs are there in your home, you might try out heating the place. Bugs die in higher temperatures. When you heat the mattress to a very high temperature, the bugs die out.

These are the DIY methods, but bedbugs are very robust creatures. They know how to survive. In most of the DIY cases, it is seen that the bugs have survived. It is recommended to not go for more than one DIY exercise. If the bugs reappear after you make an effort you must hire the professionals.

Here are the advantages of hiring professionals over another DIY exercise.

Are there Any Bugs at All?

There are a lot of things apart from bed bugs that give the same feeling as bed bugs, in all such cases the treatments you do are a waste. So, when the treatments fail, hire experts. They will detect the real root of the problem. There are many other issues like fleas, ticks etc. which most of the people do not consider and do the treatment for bed bugs.

Where are the Bugs?

People think bed bugs hide in the bed, but reality is different. Bed bugs hide at all corners of your home. They might have a dwelling place at the back of your refrigerator. It is best to hire professionals to find out each and every hideout of the bugs.

What is the Best Way to Kill?

Pesticides are the worst method to kill bugs, but they are the first preference when we try to take matter in our hands. A professional service will suggest the best and the safest method to get rid of the bugs in your house.

What will be Side Effects of the Treatment?

When you use pesticides to take care of the bugs, you are exposed to harmful chemicals. When professionals treat them, they use much cleaner techniques like heating the place or freezing the identified dwelling places of the bugs. These are much safer than the pesticides.

These are the different techniques used by the professionals and their advantages. When you are looking for a bed bugs control Arizona based firm, make sure that you ask them about their methods and step by step process.

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