Adding healthful amounts of nuts such as walnuts to your diet, can be good for your heart, Walnuts can lower cholesterol levels in the body, improves blood vessel elasticity, thus ensuring good blood circulation. Peanuts and almonds are rich in healthy fats, Eating walnuts promoted brain health.
Lowering your Cholesterol
Walnuts, peanuts and almonds are rich in healthy fats, fiber and vitamin E, intake of nuts that can reduce the risk of heart disease, it lowers bad cholesterol in the body, that can Reduce blood clots and lower blood pressure, rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. A handful of walnuts, pistachios, almonds or sunflower seeds (preferably roasted) can fill needs of good fats a day.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Nuts, such as almonds, are also useful for maintaining a healthy weight. Almonds, fiber, protein and fat content, that can only keep you feeling full, According to Fitness magazine, magnesium rich in almonds that can lower your blood sugar levels. You can consume almonds at breakfast, could be the key to healthier eating, it is the ultimate weight loss. You should know Almonds are high in calories, Many doctor’s recommended to limit your intake of 23 nuts.
Lower Your Risk of Cardiac Arrest
It is also important to note that a daily consumption of nuts prevents one third the risk of cardiac arrest following a US and international cohort studies on 86,000 women.
For Help in Dieting
It is important to consume raw nuts in their natural state, without added salt, oil and other condiments. Healthy nuts are the best snack between meals, because only a handful of nuts for a long time. A study by American journal of clinical notification has shown that nuts can reduce obesity, people who regularly consume these foods are part of a balanced diet. Being rich in protein and “good” fats and eaten in moderation, Eating too many almonds & Causes of Diarrhea.
Prevention of Cancer and Constipation
The high content of Omega 3 acids, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and folic acid, walnuts are one of the best preventive methods against cancer, reports Eating Well. com. And Nuts will give you regularity bowel movements, providing a digestive system going smoothly.
Fight Against Diabetes
A recent study published in Diabetes Care in February 2010, eating various types of nuts of 56 grams, Eating nuts may help to combat type 2 diabetes, Because of their high fiber and protein content, Thus improving blood flow.
Excellent Remedy for Insomnia
It’s important to know the causes of insomnia? Lack of magnesium in the body that lead to the smaller amounts of melatonin, that will banish Your sleep. Walnuts are a good source of magnesium, and if you eat a handful of nuts 1-2 hours before going to bed, you can sleep peacefully.