Food Ideas You Should Remember While Meeting The Parents For The First Time For Dinner

Remember the movie ‘Meet the parents’ starring Ben Stiller? Though disasters of such epic proportions hardly ever happen in real life, but smaller ones are quite common which in some cases turn to be deal breakers. Meeting the parents of your significant other can be truly intimidating, especially if it’s for the first time. And the most appropriate way and occasion for introducing yourself to the parents of your significant other can be through an intimate dinner at your place.

So, here are certain food ideas that would help you through the very tough process of impressing your girlfriend or boyfriend’s parents in the first meeting itself, and gain bonus points from your better half. While a lot depends on the selection of menu itself, it is important to keep in mind not to go over board and still put just enough effort to impress the parents. One very important yet often underestimated tip is to know about all the possible dislikes and allergies that your guests might be prone to, and steer clear of all such dishes. Listed below are dishes that would safely go down well with any parents:

  • Tikkas: These universally appetizers from Punjab work very well as starters or figure food accompanied by some nice beverages. The versatility of tikkas is what makes them so well liked. They can be made of all kinds of meat as well as paneer for the vegetarians and even tofu for the vegans.
  • Rice or Roti:  It is absolutely essential that you make a provision for both for a dinner since nobody likes to eat something they don’t want to. While rice acts as a good base and can be made in a variety of ways from Jeera Rice to Biriyani, rotis too are quite popular especially those baked in a clay tandoor oven.
  • Side dishes: These should be the star of the dinner. And you can let your imagination run wild in this department. From north Indian recipes to Bengali chicken recipes, you could choose to play safe with traditional and popular dishes or even experiment a little. But the most important factor that you should keep in mind is the palates you are catering to. Nothing too bizarre should be on the menu. A good main course would help if not ensure a good dinner table conversation, and who doesn’t like good food.
  • Desserts: The desserts decide how the dinner as well as the meeting ends. In this case too you are spoilt for choices, but make sure to play safe with classics like ice creams, puddings, etc. It’s essential that the dessert served goes well with the preceding meal and does not look, or taste out of place.

While keeping in mind these things would help in a smooth sailing first meeting over dinner there is not much to worry about because you can easily get help from your cook, friends, or family while preparing. Even the internet can help you with various things like chicken recipes in Bengali and various other ideas. At the end of it all it all boils down to how well you entertain your gusts for the night.