What Nobody Tells You About Life After College

Your high school graduation is a time of almost unprecedented excitement and optimism. Your initial excitement you feel while walking across the stage in front of your teachers, classmates, and all of your classmates’ loud families, eventually fades into more excitement. You party all weekend, and eventually woke up hung-over, with only summer vacation and… Continue reading What Nobody Tells You About Life After College

Categorized as Education

Should You Consider An Internship After You Graduate From College?

With the major change in the nature of the American job market following the historic economic collapse in 2008, internships stop being icing on the cake that is your resume, or gravy on your resume potatoes. Where internships used to be a luxury — something brag-worthy to fill out your resume — they have now… Continue reading Should You Consider An Internship After You Graduate From College?

Categorized as Education