As a college student, you will be required to take a number of courses each semester. Most of the time, these courses with enforce either your major or your minor and will push you closer and closer to graduation. However, choosing your college courses can be tricky – you can very easily choose the wrong… Continue reading 5 Helpful Tips For Choosing Your College Classes
Author: admin
5 Helpful College Major Selection Tips
When you first get to college, there will be a lot of pressure to choose a major. Most of this pressure will come from your school’s counselor, because the sooner you choose a major, the sooner you will be able to get on a singular path to graduation. Indeed, all of your classes will be… Continue reading 5 Helpful College Major Selection Tips
How To Get The Most Out Of College Tours
Before you go to college, you will most likely go on a number of college tours to determine which university you want to apply to. However, a college tour can go one of two ways: you could make the most of it, or you could go along with the boring part of the tour and… Continue reading How To Get The Most Out Of College Tours
How Do Colleges Determine Merit Scholarships?
Getting into a good college is one thing, but earning a scholarship so that you can pay for a quality education is a completely different story. If you want to qualify for a merit scholarship, then you are going to need to know what your top schools are looking for. The first thing you want… Continue reading How Do Colleges Determine Merit Scholarships?
How To Avoid Common FAFSA Errors
No one likes filling out applications and the FAFSA is right up there with the most daunting of them all. However, it’s actually a lot easier than it seems, and it just takes a little bit of preparation. There are a lot of common mistakes that you will want to avoid, but so long as… Continue reading How To Avoid Common FAFSA Errors
What Nobody Tells You About Life After College
Your high school graduation is a time of almost unprecedented excitement and optimism. Your initial excitement you feel while walking across the stage in front of your teachers, classmates, and all of your classmates’ loud families, eventually fades into more excitement. You party all weekend, and eventually woke up hung-over, with only summer vacation and… Continue reading What Nobody Tells You About Life After College
Should You Consider An Internship After You Graduate From College?
With the major change in the nature of the American job market following the historic economic collapse in 2008, internships stop being icing on the cake that is your resume, or gravy on your resume potatoes. Where internships used to be a luxury — something brag-worthy to fill out your resume — they have now… Continue reading Should You Consider An Internship After You Graduate From College?
How To Avoid Common Post Grad Problems
No matter how qualified and prepared for the real world you feel your college education made you, the transition to the rest of your life after college can be difficult. Your life immediately becomes about the job hunt. Your only concern is where you are going to work next, and who will be the one… Continue reading How To Avoid Common Post Grad Problems
How To Balance Work and Study?
Many students have a desire to combine work and study. Commonly, they are searching for work to start a career as early as possible. But they do not think about how difficult it is to organize a balanced life. There is also another group of students who go to work because it is necessary. They… Continue reading How To Balance Work and Study?
Featured Events In Mumbai
It could be that you have been had a tough and challenging week and is looking for ways and means to de-stress yourself and spend some quality time with your family. Visiting out is indeed a good option either along or with children and the family. This not only helps the person to get refreshed… Continue reading Featured Events In Mumbai