Ask The Right Questions To Your Dermatologist

Everyone desires to look beautiful and to have a clear skin. However, everyone’s skin is different and also reacts differently at a certain age. Therefore, it’s the reason that you need a dermatologist, in order to maintain your skin or to solve problems related to it.

Dermatologist is the one who can help you in treating your skin problems such as excess of dryness or oily skin, acne, spotting problem, etc. He/she can even help you in changing your skin tone. However, if you are going to meet dermatologist for the first time, then here are some questions, which you can ask him/her and get the best possible results.

1. Will it be okay to go out in the sun while the treatment is going on?

This question is important as some treatments make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Furthermore, if you are taking topical or oral medication, be sure of asking this question to your doctor as more exposure to sun might throw a monkey wrench to your face.

2. How often can I exfoliate?

There are number of exfoliants available with endless ingredients, depending on different skin types. Exfoliation can even help you in keeping your skin fresh. However, you need to ask your dermatologist that how often you can exfoliate, and which can be the best one for your skin type.

3. Which food should I avoid taking?

Sometimes unknowingly you are consuming the food that is not good for your skin. So, you need to ask your doctor which food items should you avoid, as changing diet can apparently show good results on your skin.

4. Are there any other ingredients which can affect my skin?

Apart from food there are many other ingredients which should be avoided, depending on your skin type. For instance, benzoyl peroxide is best for acne on oily skin, but it can also make your dry skin drier than it should be. Thus, discuss with your doctor and choose the best for you.

5. Can I do facial?

Depending on different skin types, sometimes you won’t get any benefit of doing facial or you might even get skin irritation or allergies. Therefore, it’s better to ask your doctor whether to do facial or not, as this will save your time and money too.

6. From where is this acne problem coming?

Nowadays, acne problem is very common, but if you are able to find out that whether you are getting this problem from your diet, stress or hormonal changes, you can treat with it even more easily.

7. Which is the best moisturizer cream for my skin?

These days, you will find many branded moisturizer creams in the market, but you need to choose the one which suits your skin and gives the best possible result.

8. Is it possible to get rid of scars?

You can get rid of certain scars on your face and other body parts. Thus, ask your dermatologist, how can this be done.

You can even surf on the internet to get the best dermatologist in your city. Like for e.g if you type the best dermatologist in Chennai on any reliable search engine, you can get all the details of the best dermatologists in the city.