Managing a building is no easy task. There are many things to consider in regards to taxes, security, and safety. One thing you must absolutely consider is whether or not your building is actually up to code in regards to the safety requirements for commercial buildings. If it’s not, your building could end up condemned. Below are a few common safety requirements to keep in mind.
Emergency Exit Lighting
One of the most common violations is the lack of proper emergency exit lighting. These signs should be properly lit and unblocked from view. In fact, emergency exit signs should be able to remain lit for up to 90 minutes during emergencies after the power goes out. This can be accomplished through the use of backup batteries.
Commercial Building Design
The design and layout of the entire building also matters. If there are no proper emergency routes to evacuate during a fire or other emergency, the building may have to go under an extreme overhaul. The same could be said if there is no ability for the disabled to safely transverse to different parts of the building. Ramps, elevators, lifts, and other features have to be installed. You can talk to a commercial building design professional about any changes that may need to be made in your building.
Record Keeping
There’s more to properly managing a building than simply removing hazards and adding safety signs. You also need to perform exhaustive record keeping. This record keeping should pertain to safety inspections, building maintenance, and repairs. Records should also be produced regarding all accidents and injuries that occur on premises.
Safety Railing
Falls and trips are common injuries that occur within commercial buildings. Anytime there is an elevated area, the proper railing should be installed. Even if the difference in elevation is only a few inches, many people may end up tripping and injuring themselves without this railing. The same can certainly be said for significantly elevated areas. The hazard in that case may end up being fatal.
Sprinkler System
Certain commercial buildings are required to install and maintain sprinkler systems. These systems need to be properly maintained. If not, they could fail an inspection. While you may not want to soak your entire building in a drill, there are other methods you can use to test whether or not your system is operating properly.
Overall, as a commercial building manager, you must be extremely cautious when it comes to adhering to all safety requirements. If you don’t, your building could be closed. Even worse, someone could get hurt or die. Attend to your duties with the proper due diligence.