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The Accident Prevention Guide For Parents Of Rowdy Kids

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Home is where it should be safe for you and your children. It’s difficult to completely child-proof a home, but you can reduce the risks of injuries. Injuries are one of the leading causes of death for children ages 19 and below.

As a parent, you have the life-saving role of protecting your children from harm. Read on to know more about accident prevention and child safety.

Burn Prevention

Every day, there are at least 300 children from ages 0 to 19 who get burn-related injuries. A good start for accident prevention is to install smoke alarms all over your home. Make sure you test the smoke alarms every month to ensure that the batteries still work.

Have an area for your matches, lighters, and flammable liquids that your children can’t reach. Invest in a fire blanket and extinguisher and learn how they work. Always cook using safe practices to avoid fires and children touching the stoves.

The Accident Prevention Guide For Parents Of Rowdy Kids

Choose “low fire danger” clothing if you’re kids love playing around with heat. Be sure to teach your kid to:

  • Stop moving
  • Drop down to the floor
  • Cover your face with your hands
  • Roll to put the fire out

Plan and prepare a home fire escape and be sure to involve your kids during the planning. Find at least two places in every room and out of the house to get out during fires. Tell your kids to crawl low below the smoke to avoid inhaling poisonous gas and smoke.

Drowning Prevention

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths for young kids. At least three kids, ages 1 to 14, die every day due to drowning. This is one of the reasons why you should never leave your child alone in a bath or pool.

Stop moving basic swimming skills like moving through the water and floating. Make sure that you learn CPR in case the lifeguard is unavailable. It’s always best to actively supervise your kid and ensure that they’re always at arm’s length.

Always bring floaties or a life jacket for your kids, especially if you’re around natural bodies of water. If your kid loves sneaking to the pool, make sure to close off the area with a fence. Invest in a self-latching, self-closing gate to keep the children away from the pool.

Fall Prevention

Falling and tripping is a common cause for kids to get injuries. In the U.S., over 8,000 children are going to the emergency room for fall-related injuries. However, many falls are easy to prevent, and parents play a key role in fall prevention.

You can minimize fall injuries by removing tripping hazards. Place guards and rails in areas they can tumble, such as stairs. Be sure to put pads on the sharp edges of tables and chairs or remove them from your kid’s play area.

The safest way to prevent injuries on your kids is by always supervising them. Avoid leaving them to their own devices and possibly grabbing sharp objects like scissors. A good way to avoid letting your kids slip due to the rugs and mats is by making them stick to the floor.

Falling also causes your child’s teeth to loosen and start hurting. Check these tips for more information about preventing dental emergencies.

Playground Safety

There are at least 200,000 kids who get sent to the ER due to playground-related injuries. Over 20,000 of those kids get a traumatic brain injury, including concussion. Never let your kid out of your sight when going to a playground.

Go to a playground with soft material, such as sand and mulch, under the playground equipment. Make your kids wear protective gear during recreation and sports. Keep your children away from play equipment that can cause injuries such as swings.

Be sure to read the signs around the playground equipment and check whether it suits your kid’s age. Always check if the equipment is in good condition to prevent your child from falling or the equipment falling on them. Look for areas that your child can trip on and avoid them.

Poisoning Prevention

Over 300 children in the US suffer from going to the ER every day due to poisoning. Everyday household products and medicines are common reasons for poisoning your child. Most curious, active children will investigate and try out anything they can touch.

Some of these dangerous products include:

  • Drain cleaners
  • Dishwashing powder and tablets
  • Bleach
  • Gardening products
  • Cleaners
  • Medications

So, be sure to place all your everyday items in a place where your child can’t reach. Lock them away and be sure always to return them after use. Always read the labels and directions carefully before use.

Don’t keep unneeded, unused, and expired prescription drugs in your house. Avoid taking prescription drugs in front of your children since they love to imitate adults. The best way to avoid poisoning is to teach your kids not to touch or pick up objects they aren’t familiar with.

Choking Prevention

Children’s toys can become dangerous if the toys aren’t suitable for their age. Toys with small parts can become a cause for choking, especially for babies. Avoid giving your kids toys that are smaller than a 20 cent coin.

Be mindful of your household items that can pose a choking hazard, such as hair ties and pen tops. Always check the labeling of toys to make sure it fits your child’s age group. Encourage your kids to sit down and eat their meals slowly to avoid choking.

If your baby starts choking, hold them upside down or put them over one knee and lightly slap their back at least four times. For older kids, hold them from behind and place your hands below their ribs. Start giving them six to ten thrusts to let them cough it out.

Accident Prevention Guide for Parents

It’s always good to teach your children about basic safety rules and routines. If your kid gets a serious injury, remember to always call the ambulance to avoid making it worse. Always supervise your kid to avoid injuries to you, your children, and other people.

We hope you enjoyed our guide on accident prevention! Children are adventurous and prone to danger, so knowing what they can get into helps you prevent any accidents from happening. Check out more of our guides to learn more about preventing accidents today!

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