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Why Should You Implement User Activity Monitoring Software On Your Business Computers?

2 Mins read

Collectively, thousands of hours of paid work time get wasted each day by employees slacking off and depending on the size of your business this could be affecting you greatly.  Most employees come into work, buckle down and work extremely hard throughout the day, keeping their personal activities and social life at bay until they get home, but some who don´t employ this philosophy are employed and slip through the net, but how can you catch them?  It´s simple, implement user activity monitoring software.  It does exactly what is says and it monitors your employee’s activity allowing you to view it at any point in time that you like, take a look at how it can be beneficial:

Why Should You Implement User Activity Monitoring Software On Your Business Computers?

Eliminate time wasting

As mentioned above this kind of software is excellent for catching out time wasters.  In most cases, especially in medium to large size offices, it´s impossible to keep track of your employee’s activities while on their computers without software implemented.  Screens facing all different directions, employees with fine-tuned reflexes to close the window they were time wasting on and open one they should have been working on or quite simply, as a boss, not having enough time to check around the office regularly.  With tracking software, you can simply check at the end of the day how everything went, filter users you expect to be time wasting and check their activity during the finished day.  In the morning if you discovered time wasting, you can present the evidence to the employee the next day and handle it however you see fit

Ensuring computers are not being misused

Company computers more often than not contain access to the internet, the internet is a wonderful place but it can also be very dark and if any employees are conducting illegal activities on their work computer it can actually become an issue for the company itself.  Keeping track of this is vital to avoid any problems and catch an employee out before they have conducted huge amounts of illegal activity, be it illegal activity within the company or outside of the company, such as pirating movies.

Ensuring all files are kept safe and away from the wrong people

Although not a common occurrence, sometimes employees want to access information that is not for them to access.  Depending on what kind of business or company you are running this could be client information, payment information, patient information or anything that could be worth something to someone who doesn’t have the access.  It´s beneficial to monitor your employees so that if something happens, it´s quite possible that you can locate the exact employee that committed the offence.  This could be something as simple as watching the employee take some information, copy it and send it to a friend on Facebook or through email.

Those are just a few advantages, there are many more that you will discover after employing the services of monitoring software.  Don’t forget that making your company activities as transparent as possible to yourself gives you a great amount of control and can help you improve performance.

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