9 Plant-Based Proteins You Should Be Eating

9 Plant-Based Proteins You Should Be Eating

Protein is important to our health, and our workouts. Follow the diet with meatless helps to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Vegetarian diet is definitely more of a lifestyle choice. This will not only help you lose weight, but also helps to maintain healthy body, but there are fruits and vegetables that are rich in protein. athletes typically need between 1.3 and 1.8 grams/kilogram of protein.


Peas are a fabulous source of protein for vegetarians. Only one cup of peas contains about 8 grams of protein.


It is rich in protein, and  full of fiber, magnesium, iron and minerals. Half cup of lentils contains 9 grams of protein, Lentils are a protein favorite of many, best diet for Vegetarian.

Black Beans

Beans are generally rich in protein and a great source of antioxidants, but the varieties of beans, black beans taste delicious. A half cup of black beans contains 8 grams of protein. One of the best diet for diabetes helps to control your blood sugar levels, and can help you feel fuller longer. It is also one of the weight loss program because it is a low calorie food, traditionally used in Mexican meals.

Chia Seeds

Two tablespoons of Chia seeds contain about 4.7 grams of protein. There are lots of different ways, you can include these seeds in your diet or yogurt or include them in salads. Spinach is known to be rich in protein.


Quinoa is not only a great source of protein, but it is an important substitute for rice. very rich in carbohydrate.


Chickpeas is a fantastic snack because it can be fried, or you can pass, making humus. Besides being rich in protein, chickpeas has the advantage of  low in calories.

Peanut Butter

Peanut  food that is nourishing to the body  and two tablespoons contains 8 grams of protein daily requirement. For those who want to maintain their healthy body weight,  moderate consumption because peanut butter is rich in calories.


These small nuts are also a good source of magnesium, vitamin E and copper. gives you energy. Contains protein, calcium, iron, and potassium, that will help you sleep.


Soybean protein can be well utilized by virtually all classes of animals., the plant is the only food that provides all essential amino acids for  body. Protein is perfect, It contains huge amount of  antioxidants.