5 Tips For Handling Pregnancy and Childbirth Issues

5 Tips For Handling Pregnancy and Childbirth Issues

One of the most joyous and personally fulfilling moments of an adult’s life can be the moment they have a child. Giving birth is no small feat. While many babies are born without complications, several factors can make a natural delivery a challenge. Consider the following five potential pregnancy issues: breech birth, placenta previa, cephalopelvic disproportion, meconium aspiration, and a nuchal cord issue.  All of these pregnancy and childbirth complications can threaten physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. It can be difficult to handle complications during what should be a joyous occasion, but know that you aren’t alone. Here are a few tips for handling pregnancy and childbirth issues.


Being born breech is one of the most common problems in the delivery room. When a baby is born breech, they’re positioned with their feet first, sideways, or bottom-down, head up. Oftentimes, midwives and doctors may encourage the mother to get onto all fours to help the baby turn on their own. Though this scenario is frightening, many babies in breech position are delivered safely.

In other situations, the doctor may try to turn the baby themselves. If the baby remains breech, a C-section is the best option. One of the biggest issues with a breech birth is that it often does require a doctor’s personal care, rather than the help of a midwife or nurse. If your baby is born breech, remain calm and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Placenta Previa

Another pregnancy complication is placenta previa. In the case of placenta previa, the placenta covers the cervix. This problem occurs early on in pregnancy and often corrects itself. If the placenta is still covering the cervix around 36 weeks, a c-section will likely be recommended. Be sure to talk to your medical provider about what your options are regarding a placenta previa complication.

Cephalopelvic Disproportion

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is another issue pregnant mothers may experience. This problem occurs when the baby’s head is too large to pass through their mother’s pelvis. This may happen if the mother is too small for a natural delivery, but it can also occur if the baby has an abnormally large skull. In this scenario, a vaginal delivery may be impossible, making it very dangerous if the mother attempts vaginal delivery.

Typically, doctors turn to C-sections to resolve this failure to progress as a result of CPD. In the rare situation that the C-section doesn’t go as planned, parents may be able to sue for medical malpractice. 

Meconium Aspiration

Another problem parents should be wary of is meconium aspiration. This situation occurs if the baby inhales meconium, a substance found in amniotic fluid. If this fluid is present, the doctors will clear the substance at birth. Meconium aspiration may cause suffocation and even brain damage. Most of the time, medical professionals should be able to handle this issue just fine.

Nuchal Cord

Finally, there is the infamous nuchal cord complication. This is one that many parents may be familiar with. In the event of a nuchal cord issue, the baby has its umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. While this situation can be drastic, it often isn’t. Oftentimes the issue will resolve itself. Otherwise, doctors will use a vacuum extractor or forceps to get the child out.

Use this guide to navigate the challenges of childbirth. By understanding these potential problems, you can prepare for a safe and healthy delivery. In the case of mental, emotional, or physical trauma, be sure to look into professional compensation and counselling. Talk to a birth injury attorney and a pregnancy trauma therapist to discuss the best way to move forward if childbirth does not go as planned.

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