5 Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

5 Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain which is a ball and socket joint with a large range of movement is common in today’s life. It’s not dangerous but it makes you tired, uncomfortable, unfocused, poor thinking, etc.

Shoulder pain can be contributed by a number of factors and conditions. First of all, it is a symptom of nerve and cervical root compression. Nerve root compression causes the pain while cervical root compression paralyzes the transmission and sensory pathways. Besides, shoulder pain is usually caused by soft tissue injuries. It can be muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the shoulder. Some conditions that can be associated with this may be from degenerative cervical spine or diseases of the heart, liver, or gallbladder.

In addition, it can be caused by sitting, standing and lying in the wrong position. Using the pillow is too high or tough while sleeping for a long time causes the occurrence of shoulder pain. Middle-aged and older people which their blood vessels have reduced elasticity are put at risk. Moreover, shoulder pain can occur in those who their jobs require long-time sitting or standing or those who use laptops, tablets or smartphones for long periods of time.

Here are five home remedies for shoulder pain that you can follow at home. However, you should consult a doctor more for treatment to work faster.

  1. Cold compress

Of all home remedies for shoulder pain, cold compress is the simplest but most useful. It helps relieve shoulder pain almost immediately. The affected area is numbed by the cold temperature so the inflammation and pain will be significantly reduced.  Put some ice cubes into a plastic bag and then use a thin towel to wrap it. Next, apply this onto the pain shoulder for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this a few times a day for some days. In another way, you can ease the pain by putting a towel soaked in cold water on it. Note that you should not put ice cubes on the pain directly because it can be damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures.

  1. Hot compress

Like cold compress, it is also one of effective home remedies to instantly ease shoulder pain. It is suggested that hot compress should be used after the occurrence of the injury for 48 hours. Fill in a hot bag with hot water (about 37-60 Celsius degree) and then apply it onto the affected area for about fifteen minutes. Repeat it several times each day. In addition, when taking a shower, you can let the warm water run directly on your shoulder for ten to fifteen minutes, which helps you get more relief.

  1. Turmeric

With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, turmeric is listed in home remedies for shoulder pain. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder and a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil. Apply the mixture on the affected area and massage gently. After that, let it dry and rinse it off. Repeat it twice a day for the pain to relieve. Another way is putting a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk. You can add a teaspoon of honey or not. Drink it twice daily to get better results. Note that you avoid using excessive turmeric powder if you are taking medication for blood thinning. You had better consult a doctor before using turmeric.

  1. Garlic

Apart from a spice for dishes, garlic has used as healing medicine for centuries. One of its many health benefits is alleviating the shoulder pain. Mash three or four cloves of garlic and then put it into the mustard oil for heating. After that, apply this oil onto the pain shoulder and massage gently. If not having got mustard oil, you can replace by olive or coconut oil. Or, more simply, you can also use the plain garlic oil to massage the affected area on the shoulder.

  1. Ginger

Like garlic and turmeric, ginger is not only used in cooking but also advantageous to beauty and healthy care. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in ginger make it become one of effective home remedies for shoulder pain. Cut a small piece of fresh ginger root into thin slices. Take these ginger slices and two cups of water into a pan. Boil and simmer it for about ten minutes. After that, pour the tea into a cup with a bit honey and enjoy it. You can two to three cups of ginger tea every day. Besides easing the shoulder pain, it is useful to get the blood circulation better and promote the healing process.