5 Home Remedies For Muscle Pain

Muscle pain is your body’s way of telling you that you overdid a certain activity. Muscle pain can hit you in every part of the body since your body largely composes muscles. Typically, muscle pain occurs between 12-48 hours after overexertion. While it usually goes away on its own, the pain can be a little tough to bear. Without the right medical attention, muscle pain can make it difficult for you to proceed with your daily activities. For these situations, you may purchase pain relievers. If you want a more organic, easily accessible solution, we have rounded up some of the best home remedies for muscle pain that you can try out.

Warm Bath: Sometimes, all it takes to get rid of muscle pain is a nice hot bath or soak. This will give the body a chance to completely relax, providing quick, mild relief to the pain. Hot water will encourage blood flow and heal the body a lot quicker. However, this is not ideal within the first 24 hours of muscle pain. For a more relaxing experience, toss in a cup of Epsom salt into the water. Epsom salt contains magnesium, a muscle relaxant mineral.

Cold Compress: Cold compress, or applying a cold pack where the pain is felt, is another way of getting rid of muscle pain. The cold lessens inflammation and pain by constricting blood vessels to taper off blood flow to the painful area. For the cold pack, you can use a fair amount of ice wrapped inside a thin towel. If you don’t have these around the house, a plastic bag of frozen veggies will do the trick.

Ginger: Ginger helps get rid of muscle pain by improving blood flow and circulation. An organic anti-inflammatory agent, it’s no wonder why ginger is an all-around handyman. Recent studies have shown that consuming ginger raw, heated or cooled can help avoid the effects of activity overexertion, including muscle pain. Drinking ginger tea three cups daily is best.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Another surefire home remedy for muscle pain would be apple cider vinegar. With anti-inflammatory and alkalizing properties, apple cider vinegar reduces inflammation and pain brought about by overexertion to strenuous activities. You can drink up a nice concoction of apple cider vinegar, hot water, and honey daily for about a week until you fully recover or add the anti-inflammatory ingredient to your warm bath.

Stretching: When you have extreme muscle pain right after an intense workout or any strenuous activity, it may be difficult to keep yourself moving. Stretching is actually a good way to minimize stiffness and soothe muscles that have become sore from overexertion. The best thing about this method of getting rid of muscle pain is that you only need one thing to accomplish it–and that’s the will to keep moving literally and figuratively.

Conclusion: Extreme muscle pain can make you feel like it’s going to last forever, but clearly, there are so many natural remedies you can do using common household materials and ingredients in the comforts of your own home. We hope you find these tips helpful.