4 Types Of Workers’ Compensation Disability Claims

In every state, workers’ compensation laws provide for benefits for workplace injuries. Employers of injured workers and their insurance providers have a legal and ethical responsibility to pay for costs associated with the care and ongoing medical expenses of injuries that happen at work. This includes providing support when they are no longer able to support themselves through employment. Workers’ compensation disability claims are divided into four types. Let’s explore them and discuss their distinctions here.

Permanent Partial Disability

Permanent partial disability extends to workers who were injured on the job but who still may be able to work, albeit in a somewhat diminished capacity. Usually, this threshold applies to workers who can still maintain gainful employment but who will typically make less money than they did in their previous capacity due to their injuries.

Temporary Partial Disability

Temporary partial disability benefits apply to workers who temporarily are unable to fully perform their work due to an injury. They may make less money during this recovery period than they normally did prior to the injury. Temporary partial disability payments are designed to make up for the lost income.

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent total disability applies to workers who experience an injury that will last a lifetime or for the foreseeable future and that will prevent them from working at full capacity in their previous occupation. In many cases, these benefits last a lifetime. In others, they may cease as the worker enters retirement age.

Temporary Total Disability

Temporary total disability applies to workers who are temporarily unable to work at all due to an injury sustained while on the job. The key criteria are that, after a temporary period of recovery, the worker will regain the ability to fulfill their normal functions the same as before an injury.

Knowing the type of disability that you qualify for is critical because it will affect how much money you are qualified for and how long you can collect on it. In most states, the law provides for maximum and minimum benefits with respect to each type of disability. 

It’s a good idea to seek the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer who can work to get you the most allowable compensation under the law. Because they understand this area of the law, they’re able to use past precedents to get you the compensation you need and deserve. Having a lawyer on your side also allows you to focus on your recovery while they focus on your case.

Each state has its own laws, so workers should look into the specifics as they apply to their place of residence for details relevant to their work. Staying informed of your rights as an injured worker is the best strategy to make sure you get a fair shake.