4 Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies and Hay Fever

4 Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies and Hay Fever

Anyone can be affected by seasonal allergy, this doesn’t mean your life span has shortened or endangered. Allergy is an overaggressive immune response prompted by the intake of certain substances, or inhaling an irritant like a pollen or animal dander; even grasses too may cause allergy. If an allergy should prevail or surface as a result of pollen, mold, or effects of dust, such is known as hay fever or allergy rhinitis. Most especially if it affects the respiratory system and seems difficult to manage.

There are seamlessly several scientifically advanced ways to manage allergies, but however, understanding your allergy and employing natural remedies is recommended. Naturally, homemade herbal remedies works effectively to tackle all types of allergy, regardless of its duration.

Some common symptoms of hay fever/allergies include:

  • Stuffy or runny nose and nasal congestion
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • post nasal drip                                           
  • sinus pain or pressure
  • fatigue

Changing Diet (Involving Herbs)

The first step is to monitor and effectively adopt new dietary table. This does not mean a total alteration in nutrition, but only a medium to enhance it. If you’ve taken to fats, then the need to reduce your fats intake is crucial. More high complex carbohydrate diets should be included and balanced with at least one-second of water as when measured with the body weight. I.e, if you weigh 150lb in general, 70 oz of water should be sufficient.  Some classes of natural  nutritional foods are shortlisted below…

Onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, horseradish

Dark green, leafy vegetables

Deep yellow and orange vegetables

Nettles, cabbage, bamboo shoots, beets, carrots, yams

Grape Seed

Grape seed does the job of an antihistamine, antihistamines are irritating substance, and they’re released by the white blood cells in response to allergens. Antihistamines ensure the block of histamine receptors and thence improves the symptoms sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. This is the exact job of grape seeds and if peradventure reacts, the “side effects” are considered to be an additional advantage. Grape seeds helps to strengthen blood vessels, fights and prevents cancer and other related heart diseases.

Eliminated this from Diet

Below are shortlisted food additives, supplements, fruits and edible products you should avoid in your diet. With regard to medical research and findings, this food substances would rather worsen an allergy situation more than it curbs it.

  • Alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products
  • Bananas and citrus fruit
  • Chocolate
  • Food colorings (tartrazine)
  • Peanuts
  • Red meat
  • Sugar
  • Wheat


Quercetin belongs to the same family as onion, it is an antioxidant, a water soluble plant of the flavonoid compound.Quercetin helps to stabilize the mast cells and hence prevents them from the release of histamine. These immediately triggers the immune system reaction which causes hay fever and allergy. Another importance of antioxidants is that it reduces inflammation.