3 Things to Know Before You Buy Electric Fencing Products

An electric fence comes in handy for a number of reasons. Some people use it to protect their farms, others to prevent their livestock animals from going out of the boundary areas. No matter what the reason is, electric fence products prove to be beneficial and meet the objective rightly.

However, if you are new to the idea of electric fencing, its usage, installation process, costing, and the various types and quantities of material and power supplies- this is the place for you to come. People who boast very limited idea about electric fencing but have decided to install one, here’s how and what they should plan to buy an electric fence. Below is some needful information:

What is your objective of using electric fence?

Start by choosing the best electric fence for your needs only after you have identified the objective and utility of the same in your farm, garden or the enclosed area your pets and livestock are living. Depending on the type of things that would stay in the enclosed area, decide buying between fence post, lattice trails, chain link and barbed wire. Barbed wire fences are made of steel wire and are the most cost effective electric fencing. People use it mostly to mark commercial premises, residential apartments, and agricultural lands. Chain link are also made of steel, which now- a- days are available with PVC coating.

Electrical power need for fencing

According to electric fence manufacturers, if you are investing on a fence to keep your farm animals from straying out, or preventing wild animals to go inside your farm, you should first know the electrical power you need to use. Electricity can cause serious damage to your livestock, pets and farm animals. Train them the power of electric fencing in the first place. Start by using a 12½ gauge galvanized high tensile wire. Tie wire properly to a tree or post. It is suggested to keep the fences 22 inches from the ground and the top wire 40 inches. At the same time, top and bottom wire should have a connection at least in every 1/2 mile. Insulators, corner strains and gates need you attention too. While porcelain or plastic strains should be installed to prevent mishaps, buying quality insulators from trusted manufacturers will help you receive extended services for years, and replacement and multi year warranty on broken and damaged insulators at no added cost. Please note that voltage and amperes that used in the fences to keep the large animals at many, might often come as a danger to smaller animals. So decide the electrical power requirements that can save both of the types.

Electrical power type

Electrical fence manufacturers make fences that run on AC current, some by DC (battery power). And some are solar-powered. If you have decided to choose AC power, hiring an electrician to install the fence, AC line and fence charger is advised. For a DC powered fencing, batteries and battery chargers are required based on the length of the wiring and the area that the fence would cover. Solar panels are an option when you have to protect a remote area where power is not available.