10 Weirdest Deaths During Ancient Times

8. Eleazer Avaran

Eleazer Avaran was a leader during the Maccabean revolt and he was considered as a zealot among zealots. Maccabean Jews and Greek forces were allied against the Seleucid Empire during the revolt. In 2nd century BC, a Seleucid army of 50,000 infantry 30 war elephants appraised Jerusalem and a blocking force of 20,000 Jews soldiers were positioned on a favorable high ground south of the city.

In the thick of battle, Eleazar spotted a war elephant decorated with a special type of armor, which he believed to carry Antiochus V, the king of Seleucid. Eleazar risked his life by running under the beast and thrust a spear into its unprotected belly. The massive dying animal weighed down by the heavy armor and its occupants crushed Eleazar to death. Unfortunately, despite his heroic effort, the smaller Jewish force was defeated in battle.